Chickpea soup with crabmeat

Today I present to you an appetizing and particular recipe, easy and simple to prepare: the chickpea soup with crabmeat.

zuppa di ceci con polpa di granchioWhy did I choose chickpea soup with crabmeat? This is the period of the year when we go from very high temperatures to low temperatures during the same day. What do we eat? The cold of the evening inspires us a soup or a soup while the heat of lunch time makes us want a caprese !!! After all this say what I have in mind? Do not be afraid of anything too complex, let alone anything strange, but very suitable for this period of hot / cold. Is already!!!

Doesn’t the idea attract you? The chickpea soup with crabmeat deserves to be tried and it’s really worth it. Tasty, tasty and delicious it will surprise you and will remain in your heart. I didn’t know this recipe of chickpea soup with crab meat, my friend Alessia talked about it, a lover of cooking and good food like me, but my first reaction was: “chickpeas with crab meat !!!! “.

I was so intrigued that I couldn’t not try it … ..and he was right it’s very good !!!! It is obvious that this time too we will use the pressure cooker for cooking legumes !!!! A tip this soup fits very well as finger food and is of great effect.

ingredients for 4 people:

200 gr of dry chickpeas;

200 grams of crab meat;

200 grams of tomato pulp;

3 ½ glasses of water;







extra virgin olive oil;

bruscato bread.

To prepare the chickpea soup with crabmeat we start to soak the dried Czechs the day before.

Once soaked we start with chopped celery, carrot and onion, brown well and then add the tomato pulp.soffritto per zuppa

zuppa di ceci con polpa di granchio

Reduce a little and add the chickpeas with 3 ½ glasses of water. Add salt and pepper and add the sprig of rosemary.

chickpea soup with crabmeat Close the pressure cooker and cook for 30/40 minutes, depending on the tenderness of the chickpeas.

Once the time has elapsed let the pressure cooker vent and remove 200 0 300 gr (depending on how much you want it creamy) of cooked chickpeas and blend. They must become a cream.chickpea

At this point add the crabmeat that you have previously cut into slices and let it cook over low heat for another 10 minutes. Stir occasionally. polpa di granchio

Your chickpea soup with crabmeat is ready !!!

Enjoy your meal!!!

P.S. If you want you can also try my recipe for pasta and chickpeas in a pressure cooker

chickpea soup with crabmeat

Picture of Irene Basso

Irene Basso

Food blogger Mamma sempre di corsa......che come un giocoliere tenta sempre di tenere tutto in equilibrio!!! Mi piace tantissimo cucinare soprattutto cibi della nostra tradizione culinaria. Quindi piatti semplici ma rivisitati che hanno il sapore della cucina delle nostre nonne ma con un tocco in più.

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