The leopard print look is back in fashion! But we have to pay attention because the risk of being ridiculous and vulgar is very high. As always the main rule is not to exaggerate. Here are some tips.

The leopard print look, along with other animal prints like tiger, zebra and python, will be the coolest fantasy of this winter. In fact it’s been a few seasons that we find it on the catwalks but this fall will really be the absolute protagonist of our outfits!

Just browse through the fashion magazines, take a shopping trip to understand that it will be almost impossible not to have a leopard print garment in our wardrobe. But be careful because the leopard print look it is certainly not easy to wear. Personally I have always had some difficulty in combining the spotted clothes in the right way. In the closet I have 2 faux furs, a shirt and a pair of pants and I must say that I have worn them very little.

If I think, this winter we will be invaded by animal prints, I am sure that I will be able to show off with more confidence my spotted look because I will melt with the crowd.

On the catwalks we have seen very daring mix & match combinations; spotted or animalier with floral, striped, checked patterns and even with the Fluo! I would say … even less, but much less!

I suggest to choose only one spotted piece to enhance it and make it the protagonist of our look without risking to seem like some escaped from home that have randomly slipped into what they found in the closet !

I love playing with fashion but without necessarily seem ridiculous following trends that I do not feel and do not represent me. So green light to the leopard print look but styled in my way. I will wear my faux furs with a total black look, my shirt with a pair of jeans and pants with a simple t-shirt, maybe the black one of the (s) fashion collection.

But I miss a bag and especially a pair of spotted shoes!

Will you follow the animalier trend?


leopard print look


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Tips of the day:

Even the my cousin Francesca loves leo prints and in fact here is what she suggested a few months ago on how to combine the leopard print!

If you want delicious and tasty recipes just add some tasty and light ingredient such as dried tomatoes! Make them at home, just follow the recipe on how to make dried tomatoes.

And after the holidays, we need excellent products for our skin and for our hair! Beauty must have: Filorga and CRLAB

Picture of Esmeralda Evangelista

Esmeralda Evangelista

Beauty blogger, fashion blogger, fashion events Roma Sono Esmeralda, cugina di Francesca e sorella di Gianluca! Sono femmina e come tutte le femmine che nessuno si azzardi a non farmi studiare una qualsiasi vetrina con abiti, borse, scarpe e gingilli vari. Anche quella gran sfigata di Cenerentola ha puntato tutto su una scarpina e guardate cosa ha acchiappato: principe e regno con tanti omini e donnine che le lustrano le scarpe e le stirano i vestiti!

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